Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Once upon a time I had a blog....

Once upon a time I had a blog. Then the last semester of Graduate school hit and blogging pretty much came out at the bottom of my list of priorities in life. However as of last Friday I graduated and as of about 7pm today I submitted my last paper.
Emily Carr, B.S, MPH.
I can't lie. It feels pretty damn good. So good in fact I felt the need to add damn for emphasis. It's been a crazy semester. Working, interning, and over a full time course load have had me pretty stressed. However I've started the job hunt and had a second round interview yesterday for an Epidemiologist position downstate. Not the ideal location but the position is amazing and still in Michigan...which I count as a big plus.
It's been a chaotic year and a half but I have learned so much both in and out of the classroom.
Here are some highlights:
  • Just because someone has a Phd does NOT mean they have any common sense. In fact I will go so far as to state that  there is an inverse relationship between the amount of higher education received and an individuals common sense.
  • Facebook is the greatest source of procrastination ever created. 
  • It is also more addictive than nicotine, crack, or meth.
  • Good friends are so important. I am so blessed to have an amazing and supportive group of people to hang out with.
  • You can never consume too much Caffeine.
  • Michigan produces some excellent beer. 
  • Pretty much everything in Public Health involves a broad, multifaceted approach. In fact the majority of papers I have written contain this exact phrase.
  • Pretty much nobody knows what epidemiology is. Nope....not the study of the epidermis.