Saturday, February 19, 2011

It made me smile

I was in Barnes and Nobles yesterday, sitting at the cafe and studying. Side note: I LOVE bookstores....the smell of books just makes me happy and I really wish they could bottle that smell into air freshener or cologne. Anyways, a mom and her two children sat down in the table next to me and what happened took me back to my childhood. The girl, who was obviously a few years older than her brother, pulled out a book and started to read intently. The younger boy looked at his book for about a millisecond and then pulled the straw out of his drink. The straw become a light saber complete with sound effects and he obviously was annoying his older sister. This little scene took me back to well over a decade ago....when this scenario was replicated in my house on a daily basis.  I know this is a random story but it made me smile.


  1. Made me smile, too, only in our case it was two sisters, and I was probably the annoying one!

  2. Cute! :) Sounds just like you two!
