Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Life update and a few musings

I really should be working on a paper/ case study/ data analysis, but I realized that I haven't posted on my blog for a while due to the aforementioned graduate school chaos. Also...I really like to procrastinate. So, to all my avid readers (hah) here is a brief life update: Classes are going well and my grades should once again be good at the end of this semester. I've made a ton of new (and awesome) friends this semester which has been an enormous blessing in my life. Finally, even though I will be taking full times classes and working this summer, I am excited to be spending it in East Lansing!
OK, update out of the way, on to the brief musings section.
I was talking to a friend of mine the other day and we were discussing things we wanted to accomplish/ do in the next few years of our lives (i.e before we are 30).  Here are some of the things I came up with.
  • Find a job which I love and allows me to be financially stable. This job should preferably be located in a location that has either spectacular scenery or does not have light pollution. I want 4 distinct seasons and love snow. I am willing to stay in the Lansing area but would need to move out to the country and commute in. I'm not a city girl. Northern Michigan, the U.P, and mountainous regions out west are all high on my list.
  • Travel. I desperately want to backpack through Europe, not just the main tourist countries like Spain and France but even the slightly sketchy formerly communist nations. Also, I would love a cross country road trip (with friends.....not the family.) I have never been to Maine and was too young to remember much about the road trips west with the family.
  • Travel continued: I also really want to travel to Africa. (This is the point where if my mom read this she would begin to stroke out.) I would like to put my academic knowledge to use and volunteer with a humanitarian organization for a time.
  • The whole relationship thing: Yes, I want marriage and a family and all of that wonderful stuff. Eventually. We'll see what God has planned for that.
  • Own a non-dented or scratched vehicle. 
  • Any other ideas?

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