Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Decisions...and spiders

It’s been a busy day. Mondays will be rather chaotic this semester, as I have class all day long, run back to my apartment and grab some food, then head off to bible study.  Joining this study was a good decision and it’s great to get to know such an awesome and diverse group of people. Anyways, tonight’s study talked about the parable of the talents. It’s the rather well known one in which the master leaves 3 of his servants with varying amounts of money and then comes back to see what they have done with it.
(Matthew 25: 14-30) The combination of this study along with the content of the conference that I attended on Saturday has been incredibly convicting. So, in an ever present desire to procrastinate, I decided to write about it.
     To preface this, you need to know some things about me. I have somewhat of a "Type A" personality and tend to over analyze. I am also a notorious list maker and have been known to make pros and cons lists about everything, not just major life decisions but silly things like whether or not to date someone. I'm a planner and like to know what's ahead of me and I always have a backup plan or two or three….. Anyways, although I am content with my life at the moment and love my choice of study, I am not where I expected to be.  I struggle with the unexpected.
    So, the conference that I attended was held by my local church ( shout out to Riverview) and  discussed biblical decision making and discerning God’s will. I went because, honestly, I stress constantly over what in the heck to do with my life. Do I go for a doctorate/ medical degree? Do I call it good with an MPH and go get a real job and make some money? Do I stay in MI? Do I go work overseas in some developing country? Do I move out west?  Do I just say screw it all and set up shop on the corner of Grand river and Hagadorn?  ( Just kidding about the last one).
      Anyways, the main point from the conference really hit home. As long as what I am doing is moral (ie. Prostitution is out) and honors God, then really I am ok.  I needed to be reminded of  this, as I am constantly concerned that  I am deviating from the “plan” of my life. Then tonight as we read through the Bible passage, I saw myself in the third servant from the parable. The one who did not use what he was given  and was rebuked. I have a few slight talents ( I think) and needed the reminder that we need to use what God has given us.
Whew! My warm bed is calling my name but after this long, rambling post I will leave you with another random fact about myself.
  • Not only am I scared of skunks, but I am also terrified of Wolf spiders. Until you have encountered one of these hairy, leaping, monstrosities in your basement late at night, then you do not know what fear is. 


  1. Emily,
    First this is Lisa Galvani not Justin. I don't have an account to post with so I used his.
    Yay you have blog. I will love reading this. It will help me feel like you are not so far away.
    Anyhow, I am glad that you got a little insight from the conference about the Will of God for your life. I agree that as long as we are not sinning, and we are using the talents God has given us for His glory, I don't think God minds what we do. You do have many talents. You are very smart and God has given you the desire to medically help people. Just use that. God will open doors as He sees fit. You are not in med school because you are not smart enough, but I think because maybe God has something different for you. So stick with what you are doing now. I hope this makes sense. Ok, I am done rambling:)

  2. Everything will come together, it always does! :) When you get scared of wolf spiders, just go make traps for them...I know you are a pro at that! (At least you were when we were little! HAHAHA)

  3. I just read that I put "because you are not smart enough." What I meant was that you are not in med school not because you aren't smart enough, but God has something else planned. You truly are smart enough. I hope that makes sense. Lol.

  4. Lisa ( aka Justin) I knew what you meant, and thank you. Also I miss you and hope things are great in Grayling. Also Serena...I do NOT remember making traps for Wolf spiders. The wild cats, yes. Spiders, no.

  5. Emily
    Subscribed to blog, but it does not show up in my list of RSS feeds, so it doesn't show when you update. My other followings do... Any ideas?

  6. Hm, I have no idea. I checked my settings and it should show up in your feed. Strange!
