I had several people ask me this week why I am scared of skunks, which surprised me because it meant people actually read this blog. Anyways, I am scared of skunks because I have had two VERY close calls with these animals and (miraculously) was not sprayed. I feel that the third time I will not be so lucky.
#1. Senior year of high school.
I had to leave my house extremely early in the morning for a school function and the night before, (for an unknown reason) my dad decided to move my car to the very end of our driveway. We live in a very rural, wooded area and had been having skunk problems prior to this incident. Every morning we could see where they had been digging for grubs, and could smell a faint odor in the air. So, needless to say, I was cautious about walking in the pitch dark, through our slightly wooded yard, in the early morning hours. I turned on the porch lights, and went and stomped on the deck to possibly scare off any creatures (skunks, raccoons, coyotes, etc) that may have been lurking in the darkness. I didn't hear anything, and saw no glowing eyes peering at me from anywhere in the yard, so I decided it was safe. I had just about reached my car when I heard a rustling noise. I stopped several feet from my car...... when from underneath it walked a skunk. We were possibly five feet apart at most. I looked at it in horror and it looked at me. It hissed. I turned to try and make a run for it when the skunk calmly turned around and walked into the woods.
#2. The great baked bean fiasco
My summer job working with migrant workers is stationed out of two small buildings in the middle of a corn field. I arrived in the early morning hours just as the sun was rising, to prepare for a meeting I had to run that day. I had prepared food and was distressed to find that on the drive over that a crock pot of baked beans had tipped over in the back seat of my car. So picture this: I am standing by my car, I can hardly see, all while dressed up in heels and a skirt for this meeting. I am up to my elbows in baked beans as I scrape them off my seat into a garbage bag. I look out at the empty parking lot to see ( approximately 15 feet away) a mother skunk and her BABIES walking in front of my car. The skunks stop, and look at me. I freeze. The skunks miraculously continue on their way. I hardly dare to breathe as they walk slowly across the parking lot and into the corn.
#3. There is no way I can be this lucky again.
Lol this is too funny! I can't believe that skunk hissed at you! How rude!! But it's sad, the power that skunks have over us is enough to be scared about. We've all heard how horrible it is to get rid of the smell. I won't be messing with no skunk! haha