Sunday, January 23, 2011

In the begining.....

To be honest, I am not a fan of writing. Graduate school gives me enough of that on a daily basis.  Yet, I have been considering starting a blog for awhile, I just hadn't really gotten around to it yet. However after spending six hours in the library this afternoon struggling to write a rather pointless essay and appropriately analyze a set of data, I am feeling pretty drained. Therefore, as interesting as Leptospirosis is, I decided to set Grad school work aside for a few minutes and set this up. So anyways, a bit about me.
  • I am a grad student studying public health with a focus on infectious disease and outbreak investigation. Obviously, I am a bit of a nerd. I am ok with this.
  • If anyone would have told me a few years ago that this is what I would  be studying right now, I would have thought they were crazy. This was not the original "plan" I had for my life...yet I love it. Funny how God knows whats best, eh?
  • Speaking of God, I went to a spectacular conference at church yesterday about God's will and decision making. I am sure there will be a post to come talking about it.
  • I am scared of skunks.

1 comment:

  1. I came on here to see if you posted two days ago like you said you were going to (still didn't). Then I realized that I commented on this one when I first read it and my comment isn't here!!
    Anyways, all I said was,

    I agree, skunks are scary.
